Sundyne Becomes a Member of the France Hydrogen Association |
Sundyne is pleased to announce that is has become a member of the France Hydrogen Association.
The France Hydrogen (ex-AFHYPAC) Association brings together players from all aspects of the Hydrogen value chain, including laboratories & research centers, technology manufacturers, large industrial groups developing large-scale projects, SMEs and innovative start-ups.
The France Hydrogen Association seeks to:
- Structure a high-performance, competitive and innovative French hydrogen sector,
- Discuss challenges faced by the industry, and work to shape innovative solutions,
- Promote the benefits of Hydrogen applications,
- Facilitate dialogue around global, national & local initiatives,
- Develop a regulatory framework to support the deployment of hydrogen technologies in France.
France Hydrogen is creating a structure that can be emulated in other markets around the globe. Its ambition is to accelerate the development of hydrogen solutions for a successful energy transition, reindustrialize the region and create value locally to improve the quality of life for all. |

Sundyne brings a helpful and important voice to this discussion. For more than 20 years, Sundyne’s compressors have played an important role in production, transportation and distribution of Hydrogen around the globe. Sundyne’s PPI compressors are specifically designed to address the challenges associated with compressing H2 from low pressure levels (such as electrolyser outlet pressure) up to the 350 or 700 bar levels that are required by today’s vehicles that run on Hydrogen.

Centrifugal Integrally-Geared Compressors proposed by Sundyne in the LMC/BMC/LF-2000 series are engineered to optimize the efficiency of hydrogen compression for Energy, Petrochemical, Chemical and Industrial businesses. Available from 100 to 17,000 m3/hr, this is a preferred choice for H2 gas applications.

Sundyne offers also a range of sealed and sealless pumps. With a magnetic drive sealless pump, there is a greatly reduced danger of emissions or leaks. Options include ETFE-lined Ansimag pumps or metallic construction from the HMD product line. Sundyne offers the best solutions for pumping caustic liquids in electrolysers, or for any kind of pumping application.
Sundyne’s subject matter experts look forward to collaborating with colleagues in the France Hydrogen Association to learn more about the industry’s needs & requirements – and also to align Sundyne’s engineering prowess in a manner that helps address these emerging needs.
To learn more about why Sundyne’s pumps & compressors are a preferred choice for Hydrogen applications, click here.
Sundyne World Headquarters 14845 W. 64th Ave. | Arvada, CO 80007 | USA | +1 303-425-0800 |