Two September Events Highlight Sundyne’s Value Proposition to the Energy, PetroChem, Gas Processing and Refining Industries |
This year at the GPA Midstream event in San Antonio, Sundyne’s team (led by Keith Hamilton, Jason Fouraker and Allen McNight) will show attendees how Sundyne’s compressors are used in midstream applications, and they’ll also demonstrate how Sundyne pumps are used to safely & reliably transport NGLs once they’re separated from natural gas steams. |
On Sunday Sept 11th, the Sundyne team is participating in the Sporting Clay competition at the National Shooting Complex, and later in the evening, we’ll host a reception at the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel, where attendees can enjoy drinks & Shiner-Brined Pork Loin with the Sundyne team. For more information on this event, please click here or contact us.
Later in the same week, more than a dozen Sundyne product experts and executives head to the Pump Turbo Symposia at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston. At the show, Sundyne will showcase how its pumps & compressors are used in energy, petrochemical and traditional refining applications: |
Sundyne LMV 311 pumps are widely used within the hydrocarbon, chemical, petrochemical, gas production and power generation markets. They are specifically engineered for critical high-head, low-flow, heavy-duty services such as Feed pumps, Booster pumps, Bottoms pumps, Reflux pumps, and Condensate pumps. |
The HMD Kontro CSA and ANSIMAG Sealless Pumps are widely used (outside of the battery limit) in wastewater facilities. They’re popular due to their cost effectiveness, reliability, ease of maintenance, and the safety that comes from sealless pumps that never leak. |

Sundyne Centrifugal Compressors are commonly used for midstream, hydrocarbon processing and chemical manufacturing applications such as mole sieve dehydration, demethanizer regeneration and hydrogen recycle and specialty chemical production. Each compressor is custom built to provide pulsation- and vibration-free operation with zero emissions. |
PPI Diaphragm compressors are a preferred choice for compressing Hydrogen to the levels required for mobility applications. They’re also used in a wide range of petrochemical applications.
Join us at Turbo Pump Symposia! For more information Contact us HERE and well arrange a free pass to the Expo.
To learn more about the TPS conference program, please visit tps.tamu.edu. |
Sundyne World Headquarters
14845 W. 64th Ave. | Arvada, CO 80007 | USA | +1 303-425-0800 |